Friday, May 20, 2011

Momma in Focus: Fun

There is no end to the fun with Katie around.  Today she turns 7 months old and she is absolutely brimming with energy!  Although she tends to be a bit reserved when we are out, inside our home she is a complete goofball.  She is always trying to get us to laugh....she sticks out her tongue, babbles and talks, does a fake laugh just  to see if we will laugh back at her and anything else she can do to try to get our attention.  She is so much fun to be around and we enjoy doing so many things with her.  One thing that Katie and I do every day is go on walks.  We are lucky enough to have a walking trail that goes right by our neighborhood and we go on a walk at least once a day. Daddy comes on walks with us in the early mornings or in the evenings but, during the day it's a Katie/Mommy ritual.  It was pretty cool and rainy this week but, between thunderstorms we managed to get a few of our walks in.  The look on her face in this picture is so sweet.  I know she's thinking "Okay Mom, can we just take a walk?"


  1. So sweet! I love that little pink outfit of hers

  2. I LOVED that phase when they start engaging SO much and enjoying our attention and laughs. She is too sweet!!! I too love walks with my daughter. It's already starting to get too hot for them though...crazy, only May! ahhhh. The trail sounds awesome!! Thanks for linking up and Happy Friday to you friend!

  3. Oh, I love those cute little pink ears on her outfit! Too cute! Our kids love when we all go on walks, though now Emma either walks on her own or wants to ride her bike or scooter - the bike and scooter walks take a little longer, though! Ha ha!

  4. Beautiful picture. And that jacket? Adorable. My little girls used to have fun jackets like that -- now my boys have one with dino spikes on the top. :)

    Great job getting in the picture.
