Friday, May 11, 2012

Our Week

Katie and Lillie continue to get into all sorts of trouble together!  Don't you love Katie's outfit?  Her Daddy dressed her...can you tell?

Katie went to her first birthday party for one of her friends at storytime.  She colored a card for her friend.

We had corn on the cob a couble times this week.  Katie loved preparing it. 

Playing at the park during her friend's birthday party. 

She loved her nutella pancakes! 

Katie got a slide this week.  She wasn't so sure about it at first but, now she's sliding down it all by herself.

She helped me make some banana bread this week. 

I think she liked helping eat the banana bread even more than she liked making it.  I think she had three pieces the other day at lunch.

We've been able to harvest some snow peas.  Katie carries her Easter basket and puts the peas in it.  Usually more end up in her belly than in the basket.  As I pick the peas I can hear *crunch, crunch, crunch* behind me!

Katie helped me weed the vegetable garden, too.  Apparently her idea of weeding includes picking the leaves off the pepper plants (lol). 

We went to my Grandparents house and met my Aunt Pam and Uncle Steve there.  It was so nice to get to see them...I know Katie's has changed so much since the last time we got together. 

We got to have a playdate with Knox this week.  He has a new baby brother!  Julie, Knox, Katie and I went outside to play and plant some flowers.  Katie got to ride on Knox's four wheeler.

Knox pushed Katie around in his car....such a gentleman!

Lillie and Katie playing on her slide. 

Planting even more flowers. 

 Observe the super cuteness!

Sitting at the table with the big kids looking at books. 

My grandparents gave us lots of plants from their garden.  Here's the flox by the stump...

...we put the black-eyed susans and other plants in the perennial bed. 

Katie picked a she is smelling it.  She's very serious about smelling. 

Of course Lillie had to get a whiff of the flower, too.

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