Sunday, June 1, 2014

Week of May 26, 2014

 Miss Audrey got over being sick (for the second time in two weeks) so we were able to enjoy ourselves and our normal routine this week.

The girls colored together many times this week.  Audrey tries to copy big sister as she's coloring but, she still sneaks in bites of crayons.

 Katie has played a lot of dress-up.

We made delicious toffee, pecan, chocolate chip cookies and both girls chowed down on them.

 We enjoyed hosting a Flat Stanley from Louisiana this week.  Katie made pizza with him and he tagged along during our tot school this week.

 Katie dressed up like in Daddy's work clothes.

Both girls had fun playing with all their buddies at our house for a lego themed tot school.

 Audrey started eating whole strawberries instead of cutting them into tiny pieces.

We blew up the girls' wading pool and played in it on Friday afternoon.  It was still a little too cold for Audrey to venture in but, Katie jumped right into the frigid water.


Both girls have been eating the sugar snap peas growing in our garden. 

We visited Grandma's house and made fried pies!  Grandma made Katie a new apron and they made and decorated strawberry cookies.




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